
Showing posts with the label parent

Crossing the Line

When you are a parent there are fuzzy invisible lines in life.  You don't know where they are or when they are crossed but inevitably when raising a child there is a point when they are.  One day you look back and realize something changed. It happens in the smallest things yet the ones that make you smile and also make you sad.  When you are a father and have a son there is some point when they stop holding your hand.  When kisses disappear and when hugs are farther and farther apart.  When the unbridled admiration a child holds for their parent isn't quite so strong, when they would rather spend a weekend with their friends than with you.  We look at the pictures that line our walls detailing each stage of their growth and wish we could step back for a moment in time.  This is not to diminish the pride we feel as they progress and become adults yet there is something innocent that seems gone.  I think this is one reason why some parents have children later into life.  They