
Showing posts with the label catatonic cell phone

The Modern Luddite

Every day I seem to discover that I am falling further and further behind.  The thing is I wasn't always this way.  I used to be the guy that was always on the cutting edge.  People came to me for tech advice.  Patrick, what should I buy?  How do I fix this, what do I do about that?  Somewhere along the wandering path our existence the modern world passed me by.  It is difficult to put my finger on the exact moment but I suspect it occurred somewhere around the advent of cell phones.  I was okay when they were simple bricks but as the networks and functions became more complex my mind started to let go.  It is hard to understand why.  I mean function has actually become more simple.  I was the guy who sat with my DOS PC trying to reconfigure the RAM to allow me to play some game that had unique requirements.  I confronted the scary  DOS prompt and at times won and mostly failed.  People still come to me from time to time to solve a computer issue but I usually try to feign ign