
Showing posts with the label Wisconsin


Yesterday there was a rally in Columbia.   Oh you probably wouldn't know it if you weren't there but we took our grievances to the steps of the South Carolina State House and demanded to be heard.  Pity there was no one inside.  Only a group of students snaking their way up behind the speaker.  A young black kid started dancing like Rocky Balboa with a towel around his neck.  Honestly he looked more like the Rocky of Rocky and Bullwinkle fame. Despite the lack of notice by those in power, for the couple hundred in attendance the cause was just.  It was a rally to support the union members in Wisconsin fighting a governor determined to strip them of their union rights.  The governor is a puppet of some of the most wealthy and powerful corporate interests in the nation, largely funded by the diabolical Koch brothers.  These right wing libertarian minded fanatics are quietly determined to fund the end of unions in America.   They pay for the Tea Party and fund their rallies.  Th