
Showing posts with the label bald


Life dealt me a cruel twist of fate. I hardly knew my grandfather. Probably it was for the best. He was a southern racist of the likes I am not proud. He lived his life out in Shreveport, Louisiana surrounded by the right wing refusing to admit they lost the war. When he died my mother received her share of gold Krugerrands he had sheltered in a safe deposit box. Why gold Krugerrands? Because they were from South Africa and he liked how the white government there kept the black people in their place. I am sure there were many good things about my grandfather but his racism was certainly not among them. Well, while my mother got the gold coins it was certainly not a kings ransom. She was however, quite happy to cash them in and spend them on something long forgotten. My grandfather's inheritance for me came before his death and it was quite different. I inherited my grandfathers genes. He was a brilliant geologist yet sadly, his scientific intellect did not pass m