
Showing posts with the label Lesbian

Age in Perspective

One thing that never ceases to amaze any parent is the perspective of age when seen through the eyes of a child. This morning I was eating my microwave oatmeal and watching CNN.  A story came on about the latest revelation of John F Kennedy's affairs.   Nearly 50 years since his death we still learn tales of his voracious sexual appetite.  Oh those were the days for a president.  The male club that surrounded him was sure to keep all his indiscretions close to their belts as most were engaged in similar ones.  Of course it is a phenomenon  not unique to males as Eleanor Roosevelt had her own lesbian and or bisexual lover.  Something about JFK entrances us though.  He was so damn good looking.  I commented to my son how much JFK did love the ladies.  He in turn asked me if I remembered JFK's presidency? "Son, I wasn't even born." I answered.  "His brother was assassinated when I was gurgling and blowing boogers out of my nose at the tender age of one."

The Day After

There I was, tired but satisfied. I soared above the clouds at thirty thousand feet wedged into my chair next to a bronzed middle-aged couple.  Wait a moment, I am middle-aged just minus the bronze.  Does that mean they remember me as a seemingly unconscious white guy?   I flew half asleep, a victim more of dragging myself out of bed at 3:30 am then a hard night drinking and gambling.   I was suddenly awakened by a snort that I summarily tried to conceal by executing another one with with eyes wide open.   The woman beside me didn't seem to take the bait as she examined me trying to determine if I was dying.  She was nervous in her own right.  Apparently she hadn't flown in twenty years and sleeping did not seem to be on her agenda.  She clutched her husband hand and likely wondered how I could be so relaxed during such a frightening moment.   Reluctantly, I was on my way home.  Just a few days earlier my seat companion had been a red neck man in his 30's.  He was