
Showing posts from April, 2013

Lost in Translation

I am convinced Americans essentially fall into three categories.  The first are those that have no idea a world outside of America exits.  If asked, they can't find anything on a map.  They might aimlessly drag their finger over the various colored shapes but when asked to identify Japan they will point toward the Middle East.  These are the folks that despite tens of thousands of American war dead don't have a clue where Iraq and Afghanistan are.  They live simple lives migrating between home and work.  I don't know if their simplicity should be abhorred or admired. There is most certainly always comfort in ignorance.  I guess it wouldn't make a difference if they were not given equal power to make decisions over all of our lives through one man one vote.  They tend to be single issue voters.  The one thing most important in their lives is their gun and based on that all decisions are made.  I don't hate these people but I don't understand them either.  They f

The Modern Luddite

Every day I seem to discover that I am falling further and further behind.  The thing is I wasn't always this way.  I used to be the guy that was always on the cutting edge.  People came to me for tech advice.  Patrick, what should I buy?  How do I fix this, what do I do about that?  Somewhere along the wandering path our existence the modern world passed me by.  It is difficult to put my finger on the exact moment but I suspect it occurred somewhere around the advent of cell phones.  I was okay when they were simple bricks but as the networks and functions became more complex my mind started to let go.  It is hard to understand why.  I mean function has actually become more simple.  I was the guy who sat with my DOS PC trying to reconfigure the RAM to allow me to play some game that had unique requirements.  I confronted the scary  DOS prompt and at times won and mostly failed.  People still come to me from time to time to solve a computer issue but I usually try to feign ign