
Showing posts with the label Innocence

The Innocence of a Child

There is a beauty to the innocence of a child.  It manifests itself in so many ways however if you don't look for it you might miss it.  The sad part is that over time, the innocence disappears as the child ages, corrupted by the world around them.  Sometimes I wonder, if there was a way you could take a generation of children and keep them away from any adult, is it possible that they might develop free from prejudice?  Would color be unimportant and sex be invisible? When a child is young they see a different world than an adult does.  Any question is based not on assumption or judgment, simply curiosity.  When a white child sees a black man they simply wonder why the person is a different color.  When the child sees a gay couple they wonder why it is different than their parents.  They are not passing judgment, there is none to be made.  They simply want to understand.  When my son was born I held him in my arms.  I cradled him and looked into his eyes.  I told him he could be