
Showing posts with the label exorcisim

A Rolling Stone Only Causes Pain

There is a demon in the mist.  It rears it's terrifying jagged body with razor sharp edges as it emerges from the dark like a flame from the deepest bowels of Hell.  It burns and it tortures, it makes its presence known through the agonizing moans that seem to take over our voices like a body possessed and in need of exorcism.  It's body scrapes and tears us like the claws of a rabid animal dragging against the soft flesh of the belly.  Only some of us know this pain.  It is not universal, it seems to be more congenital.  For some reason some have a propensity for it yet no one really knows why.  Women have generously claimed it is the closest pain a man will ever know to child birth yet as one friend reminded me, at least child birth has an eventual positive outcome.  At least a woman can relinquish her pain to an epidural.  I am now in the midst of my second major bout with kidney stones.  The term seems rather innocuous, it conjures images of a smooth pebble resting peac