
Showing posts with the label homosexual


A story I love to tell is about my child and when I took him to a pride festival.  He was probably about eight years of age and when we entered the event we were greeted by men holding hands with men, women with women and even elegant cross dressers and transvestites.  I consider myself a very tolerant person but I couldn't help but look.  "Wow, look at those guys." I thought, or "man, he is a good looking woman, check out the size of those hands though."  My son on the other hand entered the event and went straight for a sticker table festooning himself with ribbons and stickers.  The moral of the story is that he didn't see a thing.  He didn't see two men hug or two women kiss.  He didn't see the awkward transsexual or the flamboyant queen.  All he saw was an opportunity to score some cool stickers and pins.  Maybe snag some carnival beads. I tell this story because it is an example of how much a parents attitudes are reflected by their children.

There Goes the Neighborhood

Oh my homosexuals can get married.  Suddenly I wake up in the morning and my conventional marriage means nothing.  The temptations are so great, I am seriously thinking about becoming gay.  Think of the advantages, a sense of design, a spouse I can fight with.  Someone beside me snoring in the bed.  Maybe he will cook for me!  It is everything I dreamed of.  I have always wanted to be gay and damn it, now I can do it.  Wait...  hold the presses... I just realized something.  My life is no different than it was yesterday.  In truth, my marriage is not threatened, I am not any gayer than I was on Wednesday.  I still get that better tax bracket and I do believe, I still have health insurance.  Hmmm... what happened? What happened?  A big group of people finally got their version of civil rights, at least momentarily.  The majority was told that they can't pass laws impacting the rights of minorities.  That they have to respect the Constitution.  Was that so bad?  It was kind of