There Goes the Neighborhood

Oh my homosexuals can get married.  Suddenly I wake up in the morning and my conventional marriage means nothing.  The temptations are so great, I am seriously thinking about becoming gay.  Think of the advantages, a sense of design, a spouse I can fight with.  Someone beside me snoring in the bed.  Maybe he will cook for me!  It is everything I dreamed of.  I have always wanted to be gay and damn it, now I can do it. 

Wait...  hold the presses... I just realized something.  My life is no different than it was yesterday.  In truth, my marriage is not threatened, I am not any gayer than I was on Wednesday.  I still get that better tax bracket and I do believe, I still have health insurance.  Hmmm... what happened?

What happened?  A big group of people finally got their version of civil rights, at least momentarily.  The majority was told that they can't pass laws impacting the rights of minorities.  That they have to respect the Constitution.  Was that so bad?  It was kind of like getting an injection except there was no Russian nurse, no pain and no swelling.  Well their battle is not over yet and a very conservative court still blocks their path.  It was however inspirational that a Bush appointed Libertarian justice was the one to rule in their favor.  I say put him on the Supreme Court!  At least he has proven he can think, knows the Constitution and has a brain.  Of course I am sure now the conservatives would all vote against him.  I mean come on, those are qualities that just can't be tolerated.

We live in a world of cruelty and in my view, anything that supports a little more love is not a bad thing.  Who cares if it is two men or two women, at least they care for each other.  At least they know what it is to love.  Anyone that is married or has been married knows the frustrations.  They know the aggravations and they know the friendship.  Marriage is not a life in Disneyland.  It is a process of conciliation, reconciliation and compromise.  It isn't a club, its not members only.  It is simply a social unit recognized by others and tied together by those involved.  Why should anyone be denied this?  Imagine spending your life with a person and when their time comes to die all the trust of their lives they put in you cannot be recognized.  You can't inherit your shared lives, you can't be their advocate in death.  Imagine living a life with a person yet never being able to legally unify your lives.  Imagine never being able to legally and emotionally commit yourself to another.  Imagine raising a child with a partner and never being recognized as a legal parent.

That's all they want.  There is no conspiracy.  There is no hidden agenda to turn the world gay.  Maybe inject a little style and color but that is about it.  They just want to love and be loved.  They just want to be recognized in our societies as partners.  We live in a world today where half the marriages end up in divorce.  Perhaps the gay community can teach the rest of us what it is to love.


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