
Showing posts with the label China

A Question of Size

This morning as I put on my shirt for work for some reason I took note of the label.  It read simply, made in China.  Okay, no surprise right?  There are precious few articles  of clothing made in America aside from a few fraudulent labels attached in the Northern Marianas Islands saying Made in the USA.  The peculiarity of American territorial law allows these less then minimum wage workers the chance to pretend they are American by earning two dollars an hour to make our underwear.  No, this shirt was made in China.  As I often do at 6 o'clock in the morning, pre-caffeine and still trying to remember if it is shampoo then conditioner or conditioner then shampoo I had a vision. I wish it had been a saintly vision.  An apparition of the Virgin Mary in my shaving cream perhaps, or possibly a feeling of the divine as I washed each of my toes.  No, nothing so dramatic.  I simply thought of the factory in China where my shirt came from and how horrified the Chinese must be at the amo