A New Year

Today as I prepared to go to work I sat in a hand carved thrown chair personally carried from Bolivia and regulated to my laundry room.  It has a red velvet pillow, lions feet for hand rests and a high carved back.  It sits next to my washer and dryer and is really quite regal.  I reached for a worn pair of brown leather shoes and cinched the laces tightly.  I buttoned myself up in a coat and prepared to meet the cold weather out side.  It is January 2011, a new year has arrived and carries with it all the promise that was never reached in 2010.

New Years always amazes me.  People make resolutions, promises and pledges.  With the changing date there is a perception that a page has been turned in the book of life.  The new page is simply blank, not tarnished by words or finger prints, not soiled by oil or drops of food.   It is a page yet to be written. 

This year will bring new challenges.  It will usher in new promise and for a neighbor of mine who just lost her new husband to pancreatic cancer, has already brought new pain.  The frame work is already taking shape.  In May I will meet my best friends in Las Vegas.  In July I will begin a 3 week budget busting odyssey to the Philippines that will require 28 hour flights and endless relatives of my wife's examining me and reminding me that I am older, balder and more fat.  I will become a year older and in a small way, like sand slipping through the center of an hour glass feel my life slipping away. 

Like most people I will endeavor to reduce my 'panza' or at the very least hold the line.  I will try to write more and spend more time with those I love.  I will try to cook more and make healthy food and I will work as hard as I can to pay down my debt.

I have a tradition on New Years Eve.  I have faithfully carried it out almost every year with few exceptions.  Every year I miss it all. I go to sleep around ten and let my dreams carry me away.  No champagne, no falling ball in times square.  No fireworks exploding in the air causing birds to fall from the sky like droplets of rain.  After all, the truth is, when I wake up and welcome the New Year I will still be wearing the same old brown shoes.


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